Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm Gonna Soak up the Sun

I've got Shreyl Crow's voice ringing in my ears now, letting me know that my vacation is about to start. Like the song says, I'm gonna soak up the sun, and boy, will I love it!

We're leaving in the morning for our long awaited family vacation--a true reminder that this deployment has ended, our family time has arrived, and the rest of the world will still be waiting for us when we get home.

We're heading to Tampa for a couple days to see Busch Gardens. After that we'll drive to Miami to board the Carnival Valor for our 7 night cruise. We can't wait to set sail (with Captain Morgan, lol) and watch the excitement on the girls' faces as the experience their first cruise. We'll get to spend our 14th anniversary in a tropical paradise. Does it get much better than that? When the cruise ends we'll head to Orlando to spend a day at one of Disney's waterparks to finish off our water and sun-filled vacation.

We'll arrive home for a couple days, just long enough to do some laundry, before taking off for the midwest to visit my brother and his wife, and then on to St. Louis to visit my parents, sister, nephew and neice.

We've got a lot planned over the next few weeks, and our gas bills will prove it, I'm sure! But I'll not think of that right now. I'll just focus on getting a good night's sleep and welcome the morning with a cheery face and an eager anticipation for all the fun that's in store.

Vacation, HERE WE COME!!!


Melissa said...

LOTS of traveling...yeah, big gas bills, but the family time will be absolutely PRICELESS. Of course, I don't have to tell you that. :) Hope you have a TON of fun in the sun! There will be those of us on the mainland (haha) that are green with envy (that would be ME). :)

Robin said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip!