Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oh My Stars

I'm so tired I can barely think right now. Thank goodness bedtime is a mere 4 hours away from now!

Today I hit the track for another long training day. My goal was nine miles. I wasn't really picky about how I accomplished those nine miles just so long as I finished them. I did want to run at least three of them straight but other than that I was content just to have nine at the end.

And nine I did!

Here is the rough breakdown of what I did...

Mile 1 fast walked
Miles 2, 3 and 4 jogged
Miles 5, 6, 7, and 8 alternated 1/4 mile jog with 1/4 mile walk
Mile 9 fast walked

The final tally had me at nine miles in 1 hour and 55 minutes. That breaks down to an average of a 12.78 minute mile, well ahead of the 16 minute mile pace that is required for the Half-Marathon.

I'm on my way!

Injury report: I felt a nagging ache in my right knee today while training, and still feel it now. My feet are also hurting from the plantar fascitis, but that's a given after such a long run. Hopefully they'll be fine, or at least better, in a couple more days. I took some Tylenol when I got home from the track so that should help keep the minor aches from becoming major pains.

Oh yeah, and did I mention I taught a one hour aqua class immediately following my two-hour track stint?

Yep, I'm tired!

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